Our Favorite Hunger Reduction Charities of 2024 - Death World LLC

Our Favorite Hunger Reduction Charities of 2024


We believe in giving back. 

You can help make this place we live less of a death world by investing in making Earth a better place to live. 

So we put time into finding ways to actively save lives.

We live in a world that has reached post scarcity levels of food production.

In fact, according to this 2016 study we started producing more than the global population needed. The lack of food should be a problem all the way until 2050 barring radical societal change according to this research. It is it is far away instead of local or lacks consistent ways of transport. 

With 2020 and its disruption of our flawed production line we saw more than ever how lack of transport and lack of competition can cost lives when it comes to our food.

Thousands of gallons of milk went down the drain because the processing plants were in one large central location rather than smaller local batch plants. We lost so many chickens that we had an egg crisis because we simply didn't have the infrastructure to transport chickens to be processed if a single mega processing plant went down when plague hit it.

But we still produce enough food waste to feed countries. Every one deserves the right to food. We need to have local infrastructures built up and to advocate for a less centralized system. Diversity of options makes a healthier population. And our global population's food need is expected to rise another 70% by this agricultural article.

But in the mean time you can support people and make sure they have access to food. Helping people get the food they need can prevent malnutrition and even death. The 2018 UN estimate for completely eliminating hunger and undernutrition was 265 billion a year with the goal of complete elimination by 2030. Sadly, we are not on track. But you can make a difference to someone.

So help us make this little spinning Death World we call Earth a little less deadly. Feed someone!

Global Giving:

This is a site that let's you give to multiple campaigns. See where people are hurting and send them some aid.

Our favorite section is looking through the food scarcity section. Making sure someone has access to food makes our little rocky world less deadly.

You can make a difference to an individual, a cause, or for a group and help with something dear to your heart.

The World Food Program:

This organization believes in food as a way toward peace. They won the Nobel prize in 2020 for their hunger fighting, and work readying the way for peace. 

Governments, corporations and individuals can all contribute to aid workers on the ground helping deliver food, and with life saving work in emergencies. 

Charity: Water

Cooking food with dirty water can lead to long term health problems. This charity aims to get clean drinking sources to more places across the world. 

They have a lovely transparency that let's you see exactly how your money is used.

So these are our top recommendations, but we would never limit you to only a few ways to contribute. Do your own research and find a cause dear to your heart. The more awareness sites and campaigns get, the more lives we can make better.

Let's make this little Death World we spin on a bit less deadly!


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